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Envelope Data Schema

This is similar to ORM mapping where we define the structure of data portion of an envelope in a JSON document that can be used in multiple places within The Platform.

  • Database Structure
  • API Data Validation

This will abstract the envelop data definition for each type. By doing this we have generic code to handle new envelopes and the metadata can be stored on the blockchain and versioned.

This will potentially add more complexity to the platform overall, Writing generic code always does.

However we do not want to put ourselves into a position where adding new envelopes requires code changes, unless they are adding new functionality to the platform.

Schema Table in DB

When a new schema, or schema version, is added to the platform, a set of records is added to a schema table to be used by the platform components.

Initially a node can run multiple DV's and they can select which version are used or accepted by the API

Figure 2.4.1.

Figure 2.4.2.

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