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Binary Data Type

Why binary data

Binary data can be used to store any information that is either too large or does not fall into a the typical database usage

Documents (PDF, word, excel), Code snippets, Pictures

Sending and receiving Binary data……To be updated

A separate API is used to read and write binary data.

Internal storage……To be updated

In the cache database the binary filed is represented by a text field that will store the Identifier of the encrypted binary data. The actual binary data is stored in off chain storage.

Query……To be updated

When a record is queried only the binary files identifier is returned.

If it is necessary to get the binary data a second API call must be done to request it.

Env Process Flow

Both the writing and reading of the files are a 2 step process, this was done to allow:

  1. A streaming API for the files, which can get large

  2. A separation between the data and the files to not bloat the data env traffic with unnecessary file data

Writing a file and referencing the file

  1. File is sent to Binary API (/binary/write)

    1. File is encrypted

    2. File is hashed

    3. File is sent to Off Chain Storage

    4. Identifier is returned

      1. <orgID>;<encType>;<enc1>;<enc2>;<encN>;<fileHash>

  2. Data Envelope binary field us updated with returned file Identifier

    1. The data envelope is processed as a normal envelope would be

Reading a file

  1. A data envelope with a Binary identifier is read

  2. File is requested from the Binary API (/binary/read)

    1. The entire identifier is submitted

      1. <orgID>;<encType>;<enc1>;<enc2>;<encN>;<fileHash>

    2. The file is read from off chain storage

    3. File is decrypted & File is returned

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