Schema Information
Schema are similar to tables or collections in other databases. This section will explain as how to see the details of a particular schema under a particular Family. Addition to this also provides the functionality to add a new schema.
Schema Details
We will be following the validation as already implemented in existing ‘The Platform’
Existing Schema Validations
SrNo. | Action | DB Attributes | Platform Fields | Mandatory | Sample Value | Constraint |
1 | Add/ Edit Schema | ETId | ETId | Yes | 10001 | It should be always greater than 1000. (In future we will also show the message if ETId is already existing.) |
DoSummary | Do Summary | Yes | Yes/ No | Value can be Yes/ No. To be selected from provided option buttons. | ||
TableName | Table Name | Yes | roles | If Dosummary is 'Yes' we need to give a new tablename that will contain updated changes else If Dosummary is 'No' tablename is not required. | ||
ORGId | Organization | Yes | Default | N.A. | ||
Family | Family | Yes | UserManagement | N.A. | ||
Description | Description | No | Role Defining | N.A. | ||
2 | Add/ Edit Field | FieldName | Field Name | Yes | document_UID | N.A. |
DataType | Data Type | Yes | TEXT/ Boolean | N.A. | ||
Required | Required | No | Yes/ No | Value can be Yes/ No. To be selected from provided option buttons. | ||
Description | Description | No | Link to UID | N.A. | ||
Choices (Name : Value) | Choices (key : value) | No | AZURE : 1 | Choices will have key : value which depends on Datatype and Maxlength. For example, if datatype is text and Maxlength is 5, value = "Hello". Value cannot be of any other Datatype. | ||
3 | Add/ Edit Index | IndexValue | Index Name | Yes | UID | Index value is alphanumeric |
Fields | Fields | Yes | UID | It shows all fieldnames in the dropdown. We can select multiple schema Fieldnames from the dropdown. => If schema fieldName changes, then in indexes tab selected fieldnames from the dropdown will show an error. | ||
Summary | Summary | Yes | Yes/ No | Value can be Yes/ No. To be selected from provided option buttons. | ||
History | History | Yes | Yes/ No | Value can be Yes/ No. To be selected from provided option buttons. | ||
Delete | Delete Index | Yes | Yes/ No | Value can be Yes/ No. To be selected from provided option buttons. |
Table 6.2.1.